Though Oregon has liberal laws regarding possession of drugs for personal use, delivering controlled substances is still illegal and can result in jail or prison sentences and expensive fines.
The penalties for delivering controlled substances will be heavily based on what kind of controlled substances you were caught delivering.
Drug Schedules in Oregon
In Oregon, there are different Schedules for controlled substances depending on how dangerous a controlled substance is and whether or not it can be used for medicinal purposes. Here is how they are classified:
- Schedule I: These drugs include heroin, peyote, marijuana, LSD, and mescaline. They have no medical use and are highly addictive.
- Schedule II: These drugs have some medical uses but are still highly addictive. They include cocaine, opium, and methamphetamines.
- Schedule III: There is a moderate risk of abuse, though these drugs can still be dangerous. They include ketamine, codeine, hydrocodone, and anabolic steroids.
- Schedule IV: These drugs could be abused but have accepted medical uses. They include sedatives, clonazepam, and some tranquilizers.
- Schedule V: These drugs are not very addictive and are used for medicine, such as prescription drugs with a low potency.
What Happens If You Get Charged With Delivery or Manufacturing
If you deliver or manufacture a controlled substance Schedule I (not marijuana) in Oregon, you could be charged with a Class A felony. This means you could receive up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $375,000.
If a controlled substance Schedule II is involved, you could be charged with a Class B felony, which has a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $200,000.
If a controlled substance Schedule III drug is involved, it is a Class C felony which has a maximum sentence of five years in prison and up to a maximum fine of $125,000.
It is a Class B Misdemeanor to deliver or manufacture Schedule IV drugs with a maximum sentence up to six months in jail and a fine up to $2,500.
For a controlled substance Schedule V drugs, it is a Class C Misdemeanor, and the maximum sentence is up to 30 days in jail and a maximum fine up to $1,250.
Contact Pendleton Law for Help
If you’ve been charged with delivering controlled substances in Oregon, contact Pendleton Law, LLC at 541-201-8626 for help. We will put our decades of combined experience to work to provide you with exceptional and aggressive legal representation.